
C++ Micro Services: Example 2 - Dictionary Service Module
Example 2 - Dictionary Service Module

This example creates a module that implements a service. Implementing a service is a two-step process, first we must define the interface of the service and then we must define an implementation of the service interface. In this particular example, we will create a dictionary service that we can use to check if a word exists, which indicates if the word is spelled correctly or not. First, we will start by defining a simple dictionary service interface in a file called dictionaryservice/IDictionaryService.h:

#include <usServiceInterface.h>
#include <string>
#ifdef Example_dictionaryservice_EXPORTS
* A simple service interface that defines a dictionary service.
* A dictionary service simply verifies the existence of a word.
// Out-of-line virtual desctructor for proper dynamic cast
// support with older versions of gcc.
virtual ~IDictionaryService();
* Check for the existence of a word.
* @param word the word to be checked.
* @return true if the word is in the dictionary,
* false otherwise.
virtual bool CheckWord(const std::string& word) = 0;
US_DECLARE_SERVICE_INTERFACE(IDictionaryService, "IDictionaryService/1.0")

The service interface is quite simple, with only one method that needs to be implemented. Because we provide an empty out-of-line destructor (defined in the file IDictionaryService.cpp) we must export the service interface by using the module specific DICTIONARYSERVICE_EXPORT macro.

In the following source code, the module uses its module context to register the dictionary service. We implement the dictionary service as an inner class of the module activator class, but we could have also put it in a separate file. The source code for our module is as follows in a file called dictionaryservice/Activator.cpp:

#include "IDictionaryService.h"
#include <usModuleActivator.h>
#include <usModuleContext.h>
#include <usServiceProperties.h>
#include <set>
#include <memory>
* This class implements a module activator that uses the module
* context to register an English language dictionary service
* with the C++ Micro Services registry during static initialization
* of the module. The dictionary service interface is
* defined in a separate file and is implemented by a nested class.
class US_ABI_LOCAL Activator : public ModuleActivator
* A private inner class that implements a dictionary service;
* see IDictionaryService for details of the service.
class DictionaryImpl : public IDictionaryService
// The set of words contained in the dictionary.
std::set<std::string> m_dictionary;
* Implements IDictionaryService::CheckWord(). Determines
* if the passed in word is contained in the dictionary.
* @param word the word to be checked.
* @return true if the word is in the dictionary,
* false otherwise.
bool CheckWord(const std::string& word)
std::string lword(word);
std::transform(lword.begin(), lword.end(), lword.begin(), ::tolower);
return m_dictionary.find(lword) != m_dictionary.end();
std::auto_ptr<DictionaryImpl> m_dictionaryService;
* Implements ModuleActivator::Load(). Registers an
* instance of a dictionary service using the module context;
* attaches properties to the service that can be queried
* when performing a service look-up.
* @param context the context for the module.
void Load(ModuleContext* context)
m_dictionaryService.reset(new DictionaryImpl);
props["Language"] = std::string("English");
context->RegisterService<IDictionaryService>(m_dictionaryService.get(), props);
* Implements ModuleActivator::Unload(). Does nothing since
* the C++ Micro Services library will automatically unregister any registered services.
* @param context the context for the module.
void Unload(ModuleContext* /*context*/)
// NOTE: The service is automatically unregistered
US_EXPORT_MODULE_ACTIVATOR(dictionaryservice, Activator)

Note that we do not need to unregister the service in the Unload() method, because the C++ Micro Services library will automatically do so for us. The dictionary service that we have implemented is very simple; its dictionary is a set of only five words, so this solution is not optimal and is only intended for educational purposes.

In this example, the service interface and implementation are both contained in one module which exports the interface class. However, service implementations almost never need to be exported and in many use cases it is beneficial to provide the service interface and its implementation(s) in separate modules. In such a scenario, clients of a service will only have a link-time dependency on the shared library providing the service interface (because of the out-of-line destructor) but not on any modules containing service implementations. This often leads to modules which do not export any symbols at all and hence need to be loaded into the running process manually or by using the auto-loading mechanism.

For an introduction how to compile our source code, see Example 1 - Service Event Listener.

After running the CppMicroServicesExampleDriver program we should make sure that the module from Example 1 is active. We can use the s shell command to get a list of all modules, their state, and their module identifier number. If the Example 1 module is not active, we should load the module using the load command and the module's identifier number or name that is displayed by the s command. Now we can load our dictionary service module by typing the l dictionaryservice command:

CppMicroServices-build> bin/CppMicroServicesExampleDriver
> s
Id | Name                 | Status
 - | dictionaryservice    | -
 - | eventlistener        | -
 1 | CppMicroServices     | LOADED
> l eventlistener
Starting to listen for service events.
> l dictionaryservice
Ex1: Service of type IDictionaryService/1.0 registered.
> s
Id | Name                 | Status
 1 | CppMicroServices     | LOADED
 2 | Event Listener       | LOADED
 3 | Dictionary Service   | LOADED

To unload the module, use the u <id> command. If the module from Example 1 is still active, then we should see it print out the details of the service event it receives when our new module registers its dictionary service. Using the CppMicroServicesExampleDriver commands u and l we can unload and load it at will, respectively. Each time we load and unload our dictionary service module, we should see the details of the associated service event printed from the module from Example 1. In Example 3, we will create a client for our dictionary service. To exit CppMicroServicesExampleDriver, we use the q command.

Next: Example 2b - Alternative Dictionary Service Module

Previous: Example 1 - Service Event Listener