
C++ Micro Services: The Module Context
The Module Context

In the context of the C++ Micro Services library, we will call all supported "shared library" types (DLL, DSO, DyLib, etc.) uniformly a module. A module accesses the C++ Micro Services API via a ModuleContext object, which is specific to each module.

Creating a ModuleContext

To create a ModuleContext object for a specific library, you have two options. If your project uses CMake as the build system, use the supplied usFunctionGenerateModuleInit CMake function to automatically create a source file and add it to your module's sources:

set(module_srcs )
add_library(mylib ${module_srcs})

You also need to specify a unique module name by using the US_MODULE_NAME compile definition as shown in the last line. The module name must be a valid C identifier and in the case of executables is required to be defined to main.

If you do not use CMake, you have to add a call to the macro US_INITIALIZE_MODULE in one of the source files of your module:

#include <usModuleInitialization.h>

Getting a ModuleContext

To retrieve the module specific ModuleContext object from anywhere in your module, use the GetModuleContext function:

#include <iostream>
#include <usGetModuleContext.h>
#include <usModule.h>
#include <usModuleContext.h>
void RetrieveModuleContext()
Module* module = context->GetModule();
std::cout << "Module name: " << module->GetName() << " [id: " << module->GetModuleId() << "]\n";

Please note that trying to use GetModuleContext without proper initialization code in the using shared library while either lead to compile or rumtime errors.