
C++ Micro Services: Class List
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12]
 CAnyAn Any class represents a general type and is capable of storing any type, supporting type-safe extraction of the internally stored data
 CFrameworkThe CppMicroServices Framework
 CFrameworkFactoryA factory for creating Framework instances
 CLDAPFilterAn RFC 1960-based Filter
 CLDAPPropA fluent API for creating LDAP filter strings
 CMakeInterfaceMapHelper class for constructing InterfaceMap instances based on service implementations or service factories
 CModuleRepresents a CppMicroServices module
 CModuleActivatorCustomizes the starting and stopping of a CppMicroServices module
 CModuleContextA module's execution context within the framework
 CModuleEventAn event from the Micro Services framework describing a module lifecycle change
 CModuleEventHookModule Event Hook Service
 CModuleFindHookModule Context Hook Service
 CModuleResourceRepresents a resource (text file, image, etc.) embedded in a CppMicroServices module
 CModuleResourceStreamAn input stream class for ModuleResource objects
 CModuleSettingsQuery and set certain properties of the CppMicroServices library
 CModuleVersionVersion identifier for CppMicroServices modules
 CPrototypeServiceFactoryA factory for prototype scope services
 CServiceEventAn event from the Micro Services framework describing a service lifecycle change
 CServiceEventListenerHookService Event Listener Hook Service
 CServiceExceptionA service exception used to indicate that a service problem occurred
 CServiceFactoryA factory for module scope services
 CServiceFindHookService Find Hook Service
 CServiceListenerHookService Listener Hook Service
 CListenerInfoInformation about a Service Listener
 CServiceObjectsAllows multiple service objects for a service to be obtained
 CServiceObjects< void >Allows multiple service objects for a service to be obtained
 CServiceReferenceA reference to a service
 CServiceReferenceBaseA reference to a service
 CServiceRegistrationA registered service
 CServiceRegistrationBaseA registered service
 CServiceTrackerThe ServiceTracker class simplifies using services from the framework's service registry
 CServiceTrackerCustomizerThe ServiceTrackerCustomizer interface allows a ServiceTracker to customize the service objects that are tracked
 CSharedLibraryLoads shared libraries at runtime
 CShrinkableMapA std::map style associative container allowing query and removal operations only
 CShrinkableVectorA std::vector style container allowing query and removal operations only
 CTrackedTypeTraits< S, T * >Default type traits for custom tracked objects of pointer type
 CTrackedTypeTraitsBaseA base class template for type traits for objects tracked by a ServiceTracker instance